Tag Archives: Meditations

Day Eighty-Eight-An Interview with Jason Stephenson-Youtube Meditation Guru

On Monday evening Western Canada time I had the absolute gift of speaking with

Jason Stephenson in Australia-it was 10am on Tuesday his time.

Jason is my favorite Meditation expert whose videos on Youtube and

RelaxMeOnline are entirely effective and of the utmost caliber and


After speaking to Jason I can see the lengths he goes to in order to create

the most beautiful experience for his viewers.

Speaking to him was like reuniting with a long lost kindred spirit brother;

it was wonderful to see where his journey began and how all of his

gifts came to grace our world.

I am filled with the utmost gratitude to have been given the gift of

One Hour of conversation with Jason-please enjoy the audio below:



Peace, Love & Namaste Emily

Day Eighty-Four: “Her Vision was In the Cards”-The Tarot & Spiritual Card Decks-Lesson Three-Spiritual Trinkets

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The day after our first date, the man that would end up being my life

partner sent me the most exotic bouquet of brilliant violet orchids.

Hidden inside was The Empress tarot card from his Aleister Crowley

deck. That one card remained with me for years to come. It

sparked my curiosity and left me wanting to know more about

these mysterious cards. I was under the impression that you had to

have a psychic personality-interacting with the spiritual realm in

order to decode the messages of these tarot cards.

One faithful day, I found that Empress card and went to find

the deck it originated from. Along with the deck I found an owner’s

guide. It was so fascinating I read it from cover to cover in one,

very long sitting. The Aleister Crowley cards were so artistic and

at closer observation I saw how many symbolic images were embedded

in each and every card.

I was a born observer of people and could read someones story or emotions

upon meeting them. I guessed at that moment that I was spiritually intuitive

and that my sensitivities and experiences could make reading tarot an

attainable prospect.

After studying and familiarizing myself with the cards I began doing readings

for my friends and acquaintances. My readings became epic, lasting over

three hours and so much information would organically flow out me, from

a source I never knew existed, that I had to stop for many years. I guess

it was the fear of the unknown that made me fear what came out those many

times. I did a reading about a month ago, and again I was back at it.

I have since then found a deck that I adore. It is a love filled deck devoid of

dark and foreboding images-It is the Doreen Virtue Angels and contains cards

that have stunning images. She explains her reasons for creating this deck in the

video below. If and when you decide to purchase a tarot deck for yourself

ensure that you are moved by it in some way. Follow your intuition when

selecting the right deck for you.


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There are also other decks that you can find for inspiration; like

Louise Hay’s I Can Do It-deck of cards containing inspiring images

with Positive Affirmations.


There are even cards for Chakra Balancing and Affirmations


Morning Meditation:


Journal Entry: What is your experience with spiritual card decks;

tarot or otherwise? Have you ever had a reading or been curious about

having one? Below there is a video of Doreen Virtue performing a reading.

View the video if you feel compelled and respond.

Here is a Link for Positive Affirmation Cards that are Available


Three Principles to finding the Tarot Deck of your Dreams

An Article from Llewellyn Worldwide-New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit



Some things to Consider when looking for your Deck:

1. What is my goal in obtaining a deck?

2. What images and colours am I drawn to?

3. Does it have a good reputation?

4. What store can I go to to purchase it?

5. Find the person in that store that you sense has knowledge and

expertise as this is a decision you don’t want to rush into.

6. Smudge and clean your cards energies and do not allow anyone

else to touch them-if you do make sure you cleanse the entire

deck after use.

7. Display your cards in your sacred space and in a place where they

will not be dishonored.

Annual Angel Messages and Card Reading by Doreen Virtue

If You Are Highly Motivated You Can Make Your Own Tarot Deck!

My Favorite Phone App of Readings is The Goddess Tarot:


Evening Meditation-Hay House Morning Mediations:

Peace, Love & Namaste Em


Day Eight-Two: Gentle Healing Sounds-Tibetan Singing Bowls-Spiritual Trinkets-Lesson One


If you want to start proclaiming that you are at one with your spiritual

self you may want to think about adding a very special Tibetan Singing

Bowl to your collection of Spiritual Trinkets. Though they can add

aesthetic brilliance to your spiritual alter-creating sound from a

Tibetan Singing Bowl can bring you closer to the core of your being.

I have been on a decades long search for ‘my’ Tibetan Singing Bowl

and I feel that it must compel me…whisper my name…call out to me

that it is mine…

Therefore; I have yet to add one to my ever growing collection of

spiritual trinkets. It is possible to access hundreds upon thousands of

incredible Youtube videos, CD’s, online music, ever the archaic cassette

tapes filled with the healing sounds of the Tibetan Singing Bowl.

You may recall a Yoga or Meditation class that you took where the

instructor introduced the class and closed it with her or his bowl.

If you close your eyes tightly enough while you listen to the song of

the Singing Bowl you will be instantly transported to another place

and time…where you are suspended on a hilltop high above the

mountains of Tibet…over looking the most serene and ornate

monastery carved into the shimmering silver rock of the Himalayan



For more Information on the History of Tibetan Singing Bowls

Below is an Excerpt from Bodhisattva Trading Company Inc.

According to Tibetan oral tradition, the existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 – 480 B.C.). The tradition was brought from India to Tibet, along with the teachings of the Buddha, by the great tantric master Padmasambhava in the 8th century A.D.

Singing bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation, the ultimate goal being enlightenment. They are a quintessential aid to meditation, and can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world.

Metallurgical analysis have varied, from a predominantly two metal alloy of copper and tin with trace iron content (Oxford University, UK) to an eight alloy of copper and tin with traces of iron, lead, zinc, gold, silver and mercury (Concordia University, Quebec).

In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, and World music. Many people find that the rich blend of harmonic overtones which the bells produce have a direct affect upon their chakras.

Playing the bells usually causes an immediate centering effect. The tones set up a “frequency following response” that creates a balancing left/right brain synchronization. Meditating on the subtle sounds of the Tibetan singing bowl tunes one in to the universal sound within and without.


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Morning Meditation 7 Chakra Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls:


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Journal Entry: Respond after completing the Seven Chakra Meditation.

If you don’t have time to do this, go about your day while listening to the

selection of music below and then report on how the music affected your



QiGong for Beginners Video-25 Minutes-Follow using Music


Wellspring of Silence on Soundcloud-Beautiful Singing Bowls


Your Source for Purchasing Tibetan Healing Bowls

(Though I would suggest finding a New Age or Holistic Healing store in

your area and playing the bowl first so you know it has the tones you are

comfortable with.)


Evening Meditation-Deep Sleep Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls

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Peace, Love & Namaste Em

Day Eighty-One: Mother Natures Gems-Lesson Three-Holistic Therapy Series-Crystal Healing

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Free Printable Chart Outlining Healing Properties of Stones and Crystals


My personal connection with stones has been a positive one. I have

actively sourced stones to assist me with balance or healing at certain

times in my life. When my sister passed I wore a grey agate necklace

and continue to wear it on days where I need extra strength or to

help me ease my worries. Just having it against my skin soothes


Much like all of the other therapeutic techniques we’ve been discussing over

the 90 day journey; crystal healing is meant to compliment and enhance other

therapeutic remedies. Crystals have been around since the dawn of time and

have been used by cultures all over the world before ‘modern’ forms of

treatment were used. They continue to be used by those who have a

deep knowledge and understanding of the miraculous nature of

their powerful healing qualities.

There is a stereotype that only gypsies or free loving hippies believe in the

‘voodoo’ of crystal therapy-but there are scientific reasons why crystals,

along with stones, herbs, oils, foods and many other miraculous bounties

sourced from the earth have incredible healing qualities.

Crystal Healing is still fairly new to me; but something I am anxious and

excited to explore further as a Reiki practitioner. In the future my hope is

to integrate crystals that activate and balance the chakras to enhance

my reiki sessions with clients.

Crystals can be used to aid in the healing of a wide array of ailments

such as; insomnia, mental health imbalances, headaches, lack of

libido etc…


This Link has an Incredible Amount of Information

on the subject of Crystal Healing if you want to delve deeper:



Morning Meditation: 

Journal Entry: Review how you have been feeling and record any

imbalances that you have been noticing. Now refer to the crystal

healing website above and record any of the crystals that you feel

may be useful to you now. Seek out a New Age store or the online

resources for crystals below and add them to your therapeutic

toolkit. Record the effectiveness of the crystals.


 Crystal Age TV of Youtube has Informative Videos 


Crystal Bowls Meditation

How to Sense Crystal Energy?



Tibetan Crystal Chakra Meditation-Evening

Peace, Love and Namaste Em

Day Eighty: Tapping Your Way to Emotional Freedom-Lesson Two-Holistic Health Technique Series-EFT/The Tapping Solution


I am going to be completely honest, when I started to hear about

the tapping technique while exploring holistic strategies to

assist with mental health symptoms, I dismissed it completely.

I could not imagine how tapping yourself in several places could

heal what ails you; that is until I spoke to a dear friend who uses

the technique for her anxiety regularly. She is one of the most

inspiring and spiritually wise people I am blessed to know and

has been waded through treacherous waters along her path.

Months ago we were having one of our typical conversations

about how we were using the tools in our spiritual toolbox;

sharing their usefulness and sometimes miraculous results

when she spoke of how the tapping technique had gotten

her through her darkest hours.

With a full endorsement from my spiritual sister on this

journey I began exploring the phenomena of tapping which

is typically used, in therapeutic settings, and gaining

widespread notoriety in mainstream psychology, wholistic

health circles and the scientific community.

I was hungry for more. I look forward to sharing these findings

and results with you.

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What is the EFT or the Tapping Solution you ask?

Remember when we learned about positive affirmations? While

EFT is a way to reprogram your negative emotions by tapping

very specific points on your body while using new positive thought

patterns or affirmations.

EFT Morning Meditation with Jessica Ortner:

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The Tapping Solution Film Trailer



Here is a link to Hay Houses most prominent source for

tapping-It is a Youtube Channel called “The Tapping Solution”:



EFT Universe-An Incredible and Very Informative Site on the Topic:


EFT Case Studies for Many Different Health Conditions


Here is a Video by the Most Prominent Name in EFT-Jennifer Ortner:

Another Video of Nick Ortner’s Speech at The World Summit:

An Excellent Article by Jennifer Howard:



A Book about Connecting the Chakras with EFT

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Evening Meditation for EMT:

Peace, Love & Namaste Em

Day Sixty-Nine: “Dream It, Write It, Do It”-Crossing Off Items From Your Bucket List


Have you ever heard of a bucket list? Well if you have yet to hear of

it you are surely in for a pleasant surprise. A bucket list is a list of

experiences you want to have before you die.

While researching the coining of this term I realized that it came

from the term “kicked the bucket’ (a.k.a.-died, croaked etc.)

There are many restrictions in life that make us feel like crossing

items off this list is unrealistic, but is it?

I would view a bucket list as a necessity for truly living one’s

life. What is the point of going through life never feeling the

rush of an intensely thrilling adventure that we have dreamed

of all our lives. Just Do It! as Nike says. What have you to lose?

You have more to lose if you never try.

live-your-list-webMorning Meditation:


Virtual Journal Entry:

Here is a kick ass website that allows you to create a

virtual bucket list with images and ideas to inspire.


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A great article on Bucket Lists by my fellow blogger Short Story Long


Evening Meditation


Peace Love & Namaste Em

Day Sixty-Seven: “Don’t Give Yourself Away”: The Spiritual Side of Sex & Intimacy


Depending on what stage of your life you are in; where you are from;

what culture you are immersed in sex is an issue that stares you in the

eyes on a fairly regular basis. So let’s talk openly and frankly without

beating around the bush (excuse the pun).

Whether you are single or married there needs to be a spark to

ignite the flame of intimacy; if there is no spark you may as well

be a robot carrying out the sequence of events programmed in

your mainframe computer.

The singles of the world are faced with the excitement and spark of

a new relationship but have the latent fears that come with not knowing

what the other person likes in the bedroom-until that barrier is crossed

there is no telling if the chemistry that exists will start a fire.

One thing for sure is that the movies give a slightly skewed view of what

a first sexual experience is like for a fresh couple-so ladies and gentleman;

if your first sexual moment with one another is sloppy and confusing don’t

berate yourself too much-it takes a long time to develop a synchronistic

intimate connection with someone.

Yesterday we spoke of the importance of a vibrational match-I feel this

is most important when it comes to sex and intimacy.

Now it’s time to talk about the married couples-intimacy can go a few different

ways when you’ve been together for several years. You can become out of

sync with one another and all of a sudden detach sexually-having lots of headaches,

going months without coping a feel and being “too tired” to make love after the

may responsibilities you have.

If your relationship is sexually void; is there another underlying issue that has

yet to be revealed? People can be asexual (meaning the desire for sex isn’t there),

but we all need to express our sexual selves.

If one partner is not getting what they need from a sexual interlude that

can be a huge problem. Most of the women that have confided in me about

not having sex for years have partners that are selfish in the bedroom-

leaving their wives devoid of pleasure. A one sided ordeal is very

counter-productive-don’t give it away.

I recently watched a comedy act and she talked about how women take longer

to reach orgasm-men can have one fairly quickly for the most part-but for

women it is a complex puzzle that needs to be solved with patience and care.

What about fantasies; if we’re married and we have fantasies about someone else

(famous or otherwise) why do we punish ourselves with overwhelming guilt?

Being with one person for the rest of our lives is lovely and wonderful but

we need to ensure that we maintain our spark for one another-fantasies

can help this.

Sex and intimacy are beautiful and integral to making us feel alive.

Sex can and should be a spiritual experience where both partners are mutually

respected and both partners are taken on a sensual journey into the abyss

of love-flying high on the intensity of loving someone else so completely.

If there are blockages and you are forcing yourself to be intimate for your

partner I think you are doing yourself and your partner a dis-service-one

of these decisions could cause resentment and bitterness and alter the

way you feel about your partner forever.

Never Give Yourself Away! Sex is something to be respected, adored,

revered…It is a sacred and spiritual source that connects us to one another.

One violation can change the course of our sexual future-so treat each other

with respect, honor one another.

Your body is your temple so make sure that if anyone wants to

come inside they need to clean their feet and worship you.


Morning Meditation:


Journal Entry: Examine how healthy your sexual life is. Are you blocked?

Are you fulfilled and honest with your partner? Does your vibrational

resonance match? Are there things you are not communicating to your

partner that you feel would help you and your partner improve in any

area of your sexual life? Write a letter to your partner about this and

give or don’t give it to them. If you are single-examine what you need

from a partner and what your comfort level is when it comes to sex.


Some Cool Talks about Sex and Spirituality:


Kundalini Yoga Session-To Connect with your Sensual Self


Evening Meditation:

Peace, Love & Namaste Em

Day Sixty-Four: Universal Poetry Within’-The Ancient Poetry of Rumi

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Have you ever felt such an intense connection to something or

someone that you can’t help but feeling a sense of familiarity

when standing in front of that thing or person?

When I first read the Sufi poetry of Rumi I fell in love with

his words and was astounded when I realized these words

came to him organically in 1244. His poems are so

universal and can pass for intense modern poetry because

of their innate and pure simplicity and wisdom.

(Back story time people) My husband and I were in a band

about thirteen years ago; we disbanded after our first child was

born. We had been writing our own songs and the creativity

was kinetic in that group.

In the past six months my husband ran into two of the members

of our band and I heard from the third through Facebook.

Our guitar player has been coming to play ‘our’ music and some

renditions of covers as well-every weekend.

In the weeks leading up to the weekend-mostly in the car-when

I am alone and the radio is not on-songs are coming to me

organically. I have to keep  my smartphone handy so I can

record the songs as they come. When Terry-my hubby-drives

I scrawl the words that are coming out into several notebooks.

In the past few months I have written over 25 complete songs.

They all tell stories-some tragic; some non-sensical-some

intense-some chill. I have been through other difficult times

in my life, but never have I had so much creativity come

flowing out.

In later research I learned that Rumi met his mentor, a dervish,

Shams-E-Tabrizi on Nov.15th, 1244 and became a changed man.

Rumi was so inspired by Shams that when he went missing after

answering the door-Rumi’s bereavement sent him into a state of

such intense grief that he began reciting his lyrical poems


This is when he came upon this belief:

Why should I seek? I am the same as he.

His essence speaks through me. I have been looking for myself.


In retrospect I feel that so many of the most creative people

have come from a place of darkness and that place has

allowed them to see the light more intensely-therefore

allowing them to create such emotionally poignant pieces

of art.


Morning Meditation:


Journal Entry: read some of Rumi’s poetry and respond in your journal.

Why are you connected to that specific poem? What did you learn about

yourself through the poetry?

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A Selection of Poetry by Rumi


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Rumi-The Full Documentary

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Playlist of Poetry by Rumi-with Visual Inspiration/Music


If You Feel Compelled to Whirl like a Dirvish here is a video:

Evening Meditation:

Peace, Love & Namaste Em

Day Fifty-Five: “Releasing Yourself from Edible Slavery”-A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Food Addictions


Our state of mind really determines our self worth-which in hand seems to reflect

how much control we have over anything in our lives that can damage us. Is this the

key to overcoming addiction? Staying stable and having self worth? Maybe; how then

do we attain and maintain this in a world where we are constantly changing and battling

the opinions of others and life events that try to bring us down.


Throughout this week I will be exploring holistic ways to overcome different types of

addiction. I feel that it is important to overcome addictions without a battery of medications.

If medications are used; I feel that if you don’t change your lifestyle or your state of mind;

eventually the medications will cease to work and old patterns will undoubtedly re-emerge.

Some of us our born addicts-some of us are born able to control ourselves and live a

safe and healthy life of moderation. Personally I have always had a moderately addictive

personality. My early life was very chaotic and unpredictable which is likely why I notice

when something in my life is becoming addictive. How do we know when this happens?

The addictive ‘thing’ starts to control you rather than you controlling it! There is a

perception out there in the world that only negative behaviors can be addictive-but as

we explored yesterday-anything that is controlling you or overtaking you can be categorized

as an addiction.  One year ago my husband and I conquered our long term addiction to

cigarettes-we read a book and that is what allowed us to quit. In the book “The Easy Way

to Quit Smoking” by Allen Carr broke down the brainwashing that we received about what

exactly the cigarettes were doing for us. He called the addiction to cigarettes mental slavery-

after hearing that over and over in his book I told myself-“Hell No-I am not going to let this

dirty little stick hold me as it’s slave!”


My other creepy addiction is to Haagen Daaz ice cream-peanut butter chocolate when I am

hormonal and coffee when I’m not. I know I am doing well in life when I can fight the addiction

to scarf down the icy, creamy deliciousness. I do feel the need to replace it-so I eat yogurt with

some skor bits on it-but it works for me and I lose the extra pounds the addiction has caused.

I know I am not centred and balanced when I can’t stop myself from going repeatedly to the

freezer to get more and more Haagen Daaz until I have uncomfortable creamy burps and I

feel nauseous with the overwhelming sea of dairy that my body is fighting to digest.

Our state of mind really determines our self worth-which in hand seems to reflect how

much control we have over anything in our lives that can damage us.

Morning Meditation:


Journal Entry: Explore some foods that you feel control you; remember

a time in your life when you were free from these addictions-what did

you do differently then? Write about how you could integrate those

things back into your life.


Interview about Food Addiction with Kaye Sheppard




Teal Swan on Addiction


Food Addiction Cures

1. Drinking plenty of no-calorie beverages throughout the day will help knock the need to eat.

2. One or two glasses of cold water before any meal or snack helps the body feel full more quickly. That will create a weaning effect that will teach the brain to be happy with less food again.

3. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day is ideal, but black coffee or unsweetened herbal tea are low calorie alternatives to sugar-filled soda pop or juice.

4. Eating protein with every meal or snack helps balance glucose levels to keep the chemicals in the brain balanced.

5. Combine that technique with only eating during an eight-hour period every day, and freedom from food addiction will come quickly.


Six Symptoms of Food Addiction and  8 Ways to Overcome it


Release Food Addiction with Meditation Video


Evening Meditation:

Peace Love & Namaste Em

Day Twenty-One: Purging the Past & Embracing the Present


Much like our homes need to be de-cluttered when things pile

up and become a burden; so do our bodies, minds and spirits.

When we begin to feel overwhelmed we can feel an ethereal

heaviness weighing us down. Holding on to the past makes this

sense of being even more intense. If we keep flipping back to the

past, or continue on with past behaviors that keep us from

evolving to the next rung on the well-being ladder, we stay

at the bottom of the ladder rather than climbing up towards

the sun. Similarly, if we hold on to damaging past relationships

we continue to be scarred by them. Think of the past as a

walkway that you can leave behind, not like a merry-go round

that you need to keep spinning around on aimlessly until you

feel so nauseous you collapse. Stopping it may take some

effort, but once you place your feet firmly on the ground you

will be able to embrace the here and now and look toward

the future.

The past has a positive role; the challenging times can give us

the gift of empathy and compassion; when a shared experience

can connect us or teach us something that we can share with


Releasing the past can allow us to embrace the present and

the future. Continuing to look forward allows us to remove the

heavy bags and walk lightly along our new and promising



Today’s focus will be on the importance of releasing

the past in order for us to move in a positive forward



Morning Meditation: Releasing Resistance


Journal Entry: Create a list of past relationships, experiences,

habits etc. that you feel are holding you from embracing the present

and the future. Using your ‘miracle question’-imagining you awake 

tomorrow and you have magically let go of those past hindrances.

Write about what your life would look like without them.


Inspired Listening: Owen Fox-Releasing the Past and Pain 

Inspired Viewing:

Rise-a lantern release event where people write their stories from the

past on the lantern and their hopes for the future and release them into

the sky.


This moving video is of the Dalai Lama deeply moved to tears

by his past:

Eighteen Rules of Living-The Dalai Lama:


Inspired Reading & Learning: Positive Affirmations-Releasing

the Past:  http://affirmyourlife.blogspot.com/2009/08/releasing-affirmations.html

past4mangano calcite

Mangano Calcite: This is a soft stone of forgiveness that brings unconditional love.

Releases fear and grief from the past, helps with self-worth, lifts anxiety and

prevents nightmares.


Cedarwood Essential Oil: Can also be a natural remedy for releasing the past,

it is also good for anxiety and panic attacks, put a few drops on your clothing rather

than directly on the skin.

Evening Meditation: Letting Go of Yesterday-Lillian Eden


Enjoy Your Future

Peace, Love & Namaste
