Category Archives: Bubble

Day Five: Warding off Psychic Vampires & The Veil of Protection


When we gather with friends, family and co-workers for the holiday, the festivities

can lift us up and fill us with the joy of the season. But, the alternate situation can also

occur; these situations can also make us vulnerable to what I like to call “Psychic Vampires”.

These are people who literally ‘suck the life out of you’ with their toxic, negative energy.

We have all come in contact with these people and we leave them feeling deflated and empty.

Remember, you have the power to say no to situations and people that are toxic to you and

if they pull you into their vortex you can simply walk away. If you are forced into a situation

with someone and you can’t get away, how do you protect yourself from their toxicity?

Today’s focus will be on protection of our spiritual energy field. 

Being conscious of how others affect you is the first step in the protective process.

When you wake up think about the day ahead of you and try to be conscious of any situations that

may make you vulnerable to toxic, life-sucking energy. Then think about the parts of your day that

will balance that energy-the positive ones that you are looking forward to.

Morning Meditation: “Building a Bubble of Protection-Youtube-Imagine Spirit

Journal Entry: Today make chart with a line down the middle and on one side of the

page make a list of people who make you feel full-who there is an equal amount of

give and take-who you can be truly yourself without fear of judgement. On the other

side make a list of people who deplete your energy-focus on the negative-take without

giving and judge you. Take some time to really think about how you can alter who you

spend time with and what that new choice would do to enhance your life.

Nia Flag

Physical Activity: Do 30 minutes of NIA-I was first introduced to this activity

at an empowering women’s event and have loved it ever since. It is not only empowering

but fills you with positive energy. It is a mixture of martial arts, dance and yoga combined

with power vocalizations.

Here are a selection of videos that give you free access to the art of NIA:

While spending time with an uplifting friend I spoke to her of how

I was feeling unable to block out the negative energies of my clients and collegues

as a counselor. She suggested I find an image of a powerful animal and place the

picture somewhere in my office so that it could remind me daily of the strength I

hold within me. I came home that evening and told my family what my friend had said.

My son asked me to not come in the kitchen for several hours as he was working on

a special project. He then invited me in and handed me the most beautiful sketch of

a lion and the words-“Be Strong Mom” in bubble letters at the top. I wept and

placed in in a frame above my desk that very next day. It is in my office along with

the one below.

Create: Consider which animal you feel is the most powerful and strong.

Go online and find an image of that animal that you connect to. Print it

off and frame it. Put it somewhere you will see it regularly throughout your day.


Reading: A Life Cleanse-“Purge Yourself of a Toxic Mindset” Live and Bloom Blog.

Self Care Suggestion: Allow Yourself 30 minutes to bath in a detox bath of baking soda, epsom salts and lavender.  Make sure you replenish your fluids after by drinking several glasses water.


1. Abraham Hicks-A world-renowned Spiritual Guru-“Why it’s hard to let go”

2. Actualized.Org.-Healthy Relationships-“What you MUST know to sustain a great relationship.”

Evening Meditation: Relationship, Wellbeing, Meditation-Abraham Hicks

I truly hope that today’s insights will allow you to honor yourself by connecting

with people who offer you a healthy, balanced relationship. Also, to have the

strength to recognize those people in your life who are toxic and how to protect

yourself from their negative energy. Life may not allow us to be able to have

control of who we are surrounded by, but by being conscious of how others affect

us we can enable ourselves to stay strong and not allow ourselves to be dragged

down by others.


Peace, Love & Namaste
